A Man of Parliament: Selected Speeches from Joe Clark, co-edited with Hugh Mellon (Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019)
When Citizens’ Decide: Lessons From Citizens’ Assemblies, co-written with André Blais, R. Kenneth Carty, Patrick Fournier and Henk van der Kolk (London: Oxford University Press, 2011)
The Art of Negotiation: A Simulation for Resolving Conflict in Federal States, (Toronto: Broadview Press, 2001) with John McLean and Alexis Conrad. Translated into French as L’Art de la Négociation Une simulation de règlement des conflits dans les pays fédérés (Toronto: Broadview Press: 2002). Translated into Spanish as El Arte de la Negociación: Ua simulación sobre la resolución de confictos en los países federales (Toronto: Broadview Press, 2003).
Making “Pictures in Our Heads” Government Advertising in Canada, (Westport: CT, Praeger, 2000) , Praeger Series on Political Communication.
Canada: The State of the Federation, 1995 (Kingston: Institute for Intergovernmental Relations, 1996) edited with Douglas Brown.
“Taming the Untamable? Constraints and Limits on Government Advertising” in Kristin Kozolanka (ed), Publicity and the Canadian State (University of Toronto Press, 2014)
“Are Negative Ads Positive? Political Advertising and the Permanent Campaign” in David Taras & Christopher Waddell (eds.), How Canadians Communicate IV (Athabasca University Press, 2012)
“Les citoyens sont-ils à la hauter du processus constituent? Ce que les assemblées citoyennes peuvent nous enseigner” in Eugénie Brouillet et Louis Massicotte, Comment Changer une Constituion? Les Nouveaux processus constitants (University of Laval Press, 2011)
“Civic engagement and the promise of a new citizenry“. SSA/ANZSOG Occasional Paper, 2. Melbourne: ANZSOG, 2010
“The Branding of States: The Uneasy Marriage of Marketing and Politics”, Journal of Political Marketing 9:4 (Winter 2010)
“The Media” (with Paul Nesbitt-Larking) in John Courtney and David Smith (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Canadian Politics (Oxford Press, 2010)
“Institutionalizing Participation Through Citizen Assemblies” in Bill Cross and Jon Pammett (eds.) Activating the Citizen: Dilemmas of Citizen Participation in Europe and Canada (London: Palgrave, 2010)
“Political Advertising and the rise of Infotainment” (with Hugh Mellon) in Linda Trimble & Shannon Sampert (eds.), Mediating Canadian Politics (Pearson, 2009)
“The Ontario Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform“, Canadian Parliamentary Review, 30:3, Autumn 2007
“The Liberals Reap What they Sow: Why Their Negative Ads Failed”, Policy Options, March 2006.
“Boundaries Blurred: Mass Media and Politics in a Hyper-Media Age” (with Simon Kiss) in Leslie Regan Shade and Paul Attallah [eds.], Mediascape: New Patterns in Canadian Communication (Toronto: Thompson, 2005)
“Television Attack Ads: Planting the Seeds of Doubt”, Policy Options, September 2004.
“Political Advertising in Canada,” (with Paul Nesbitt-Larking) in David Schultz (ed.), Lights, Camera, Action: Media Politics and Political Advertising (New York: Peter Lang, 2004)
“Government Advertising and the Creation of National Mythologies: The Canadian Case,” International Journal of Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 8:2 (2003)
“The Changing Metaphors of Canadian Federalism”, in Rehka Saxena (ed.), Mapping Canadian Federalism for India (New Delhi: Konark Publications, 2002)
“Selling the GST: Government Advertising and Public Discourse” (with A. Roberts), Canadian Journal of Political Science, June 1995, (28:2).
“Government Advertising During a Political Crisis: The Case of The Quebec Referendum“, Canadian Journal of Communication, Spring 1993.
“Negative Ads Destroy Voters’ Trust in all Politicians”, Toronto Star, May 6, 2014. Co-written with Tim Abray-Nyman.
“Vital Signs: Well-Being Linked to Democratic Engagement”, Kingston Whig Standard, October 3, 2013. Co-written with George Thomson.
“Citizens’ Assembly returns Democracy to the People”, Ottawa Citizen, September 4, 2013
“In Ontario Wine Country, Citizens Take a Sip of Real Democracy” Globe & Mail, September 9, 2013
“De-Constructing the Photo-Op”, Three part series on dynamics of campaign photographs in Ontario provincial election, Toronto Star, October 2011.
“Civic Engagement and the Promise of a New Citizenry” Occasional Paper #2, (The Australia & New Zealand School of Government/Government of Victoria, AU, 2009)
“Teaching with Clickers”, Queen’s Gazette, November 23, 2009
“Citizens’ Assemblies are the best way to resolve whether we change how we vote”, Kingston Whig Standard, July 4, 2009
“Citizens’ assembly a chance to take posturing out of politics” for New Zealand Herald, June 16, 2008. A9.
“A Space with Greater Opportunities to Interact”, Queen’s Journal special supplement, “How Can Queen’s be Better”, March 30, 2007
“A Referendum Primer” Kingston Whig Standard, September 21, 2007
Reprint of “The Liberals Reap what they Sow: Why Their Negative Ads Failed”, for Ottawa Citizen, May 20, 2007 as “No we did not make that up”. p. B9.
“‘Why So Negative?” Op-Ed piece for The Toronto Star, January 16, 2006.
“The Perils of Powerpoint” for Queen’s Gazette, April 2004
“The Mass Media: Issues and Controversies,” in Daizo Sakurada and Jonathan Rose [eds.], Politics and the Mass Media in Canada and Japan (Osaka: Canadian Embassy and Kwansei Gakuin University, 2001)
“How to Avoid those Partisan Ads”, Ottawa Citizen, Oct. 21, 2000. Reproduced with minor changes in the Toronto Star on October 25, 2000 as “Reducing Citizenship to Slogans”.
“The Importance of Talk” in Direction (Ottawa: Council for Canadian Unity), May 1998.
“Business as Usual? An Election Post-Mortem” in Opinion Canada, A Newsletter Published by the Council for Canadian Unity 1:2, edited by the Institute for Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University. Reprinted in the Napanee Beaver, January 26, and February 2, 1994.