Public Service

Since my time at Queen’s, I have been fortunate enough to hold other appointments internationally.   

In 2008, I was the Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington.

I have also taught at the International Study Centre in the UK, Kwansei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya, Japan where I was the Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies.

In 2010 and 2014, I taught graduate courses at Charles University in Prague and University of Economics in Slovakia.

 From April to June, 2015, I was the Seaker Chan Visiting Scholar at Fudan University in Shanghai.

I have  been asked to provide advice to the U.K. and New Zealand governments on citizens’ assemblies and have been an external advisor to several including the 2015 Citizens’ Assembly on English Devolution.

In 2016 I was part of an expert panel for Elections Nova Scotia with respect to government communications which produced a report called A Question of Fairness:  Regulating Government Communications and Government Advertising in Nova Scotia.  

In 2018, I was asked to provide testimony to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates and was quoted extensively in its report, Reaching Canadians with Effective Government Advertising.  

In 2016 I had the privilege of being appointed by the Bank of Canada as an expert panelist to help guide an Advisory Panel on the  choice of the new $10 bill.  

I have also been active in debates around electoral reform most recently having providing advice to parliament’s 2017 Select Committee on Electoral Reform and BC’s 2018 Referendum on electoral reform.  In 2024, I advised the Yukon Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform, an opportunity which reminded me yet again about the untapped potential of citizens in policy-making.  

In 2002, I provided  advice to the Auditor General of Canada on government advertising (which in 2002 led to the Gomery Commission).  


For over a decade, I was a member of the Advertising Review Board for the Auditor General of Ontario, a board that enforces legislation regulating government advertising in Ontario.

In 2018 I was appointed by the provincial government to serve as a member of the Board for the Ontario College of Teachers, an independent body that regulates Ontario’s 200,000 teachers.  I was vice chair of its Governance Committee and served on its Executive, Discipline and Fitness to Practice Committees until 2021.  I remain a member of the Ontario College of Teachers Council until December 2024.  

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