Category: Uncategorized

  • Yukon Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform

    In the 2024, I was asked to help with the learning phase of the Yukon Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform. Like its Ontario and BC versions, this was a demographically diverse group of citizens assembled to learn, deliberate and make recommendations on what would be the ideal electoral system for the Yukon. One member was…

  • Queen’s to hold largest collection of deliberative mini-publics

    I’m very happy that my friend and former student, Peter MacLeod, has donated the archives of MASSLBP to Queen’s. This resource will be invaluable for those of us who study how citizens reason and deliberate on public policy. You can read about it here: FAS donation gives Insight into the future of democracy

  • Dogs before Dignity

    It ended 45 minutes after it began with some random young woman saying “Nice job! Nice underwear”.   Lucy, Denzil and Nathaniel and I were at Battery Park which has a large almost enclosed bay. I went to show the boys how to get Lucy, our water dog, to retrieve balls in the water. She…

  • Creating Social Capital one book at a time….

    Some time ago, my family and I discussed doing a little social experiment.  What would happen if, on our front garden, we had a small box filled with books that people could take and replace?  We had heard about little free libraries from several sources but wondered if books or the library would be defaced…

  • This site is a work in progress

    To visit the old site, click here.